
The Art of Saving:

 The Art of Saving: How to Protect Your Future Financial Situation The economy has been in a recession for the past few years, and this is no secret. American workers have seen a decline in their retirement savings, job losses, and house foreclosures. There is however hope. Still, some people have been able to prosper despite the economic downturn. They are the ones with the saving skills. It's not always simple to save money. It requires self-control and giving up. However, it is worthwhile and feasible. A few easy steps will help you safeguard your financial future. Establish a budget first. Determine the monthly amount of money you require to survive, and make sure that your expenses do not go above that limit. List all of your monthly costs and look for areas where you might save costs. For instance, if you frequently dine out, consider preparing more meals at home. Next, begin allocating a portion of your monthly income for savings. Over time, even a small amount will accumul...

Secrets of the Super Dad

  Super dad. The term alone is enough to bring up visions of fathers who are able to do it all. They are the providers, the protectors, the nurturers. They are also the ones who always seem to know what to do, no matter the situation. So, what are the secrets of the super dad? How do they always seem to have everything together? The answer may lie in the fact that super dads have certain skills and qualities that they have mastered. These skills and qualities allow them to be the best fathers they can be. So, what are these skills and qualities? Let’s take a look. 1. Being a super dad isn't about being perfect, it's about being there for your kids. 2. It's important to be a role model for your kids and show them what it means to be a good person. 3. Set boundaries with your kids and be consistent with your discipline. 4. Help your kids learn how to manage their emotions and deal with conflict in a healthy way. 5. Teach your kids about healthy habits and how to take ...